Monday, March 28, 2011

Did you say "tobacco-free campus?"

UMaine has recently converted to a tobacco-free campus.  Right now, the initiative is not compulsory, but students are being encouraged to quit smoking now before the initiative starts to be strictly enforced.  Before this tobacco in the residence halls was already not allowed, so that hasn't really changed much.  However, it appears that some of the residents in Cumberland don't seem to get the message.  

Last Tuesday I came across a group of guys playing poker in the lounge.  Figuring they weren't really doing anything wrong, I didn't bother to check in on them.  

My mistake.

It was later brought to my attention that these particular residents were not only playing poker, but chewing tobacco as well.  How did I find this out?  One of my residents came to inform me that they left their spit bottles in the lounge with tobacco juice in there.  Now, UMaine isn't simply "smoke-free;" it's tobacco-free, which includes dipping.  

The issue I have with it is not related to the tobacco-free initiative.  I am having trouble understanding why these particular residents left their spit bottles lying around, especially in a study lounge that they don't usually utilize.

So what does an RA do in this situation?  I'm thinking I'll start by making up posters to hang in the study lounges, explaining why chewing tobacco in public areas is not allowed.  If the problem persists, I think we'll have to crack down harder on these dippers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Next semester, you'll find me in...

BCEP!  I found out today that I will be in the Balentine, Colvin, Estabrooke, Penobscot complex as an RA.  If I had the option to choose, this would have been my first choice.  As much as I have grown to love and appreciate Cumberland Hall and the GC^2 complex as a whole, I lived in BCEP for my first two years at UMaine and it just feels like home there.  I will not know which building in particular I will be placed in until around the beginning of summer break, but I'm still really excited.
Finding out my next assignment makes me realize that the school year is almost over.  It's bittersweet, since there are so many things I love about being in Orono and having such terrific residents.  Yet at the same time it's quite exciting to know that warm weather and a break from classes are coming up!  Well, kind of... I personally am taking a summer course online, so it won't exactly be fun and games for me all summer long.
Another thing that hit me was that I'm going to be a SENIOR next year.  Holy. Cow.  For those of you who are currently in your first year of college, bear in mind that your time here will fly before your very eyes!  Enjoy every minute, and try to get the most out of your college experience as you can!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome back!

Everyone's back from Spring Break!  Time to get back to work!  Though coming back to schoolwork, bulletin-board-making and door-dec-making doesn't sound like much fun, I'm very glad to be back.  The last week of Spring Break included a whole lot of sitting around and doing nothing, so it's nice to actually be a bit more busy.
Upon returning, I discovered that I was a receiver of a bulletin board made by Mike Maberry, one of the GC^2 ACCs.  Therefore, my wing now has a new bulletin board entitled "How To Make The Perfect Mix Tape."  Though many people generally make mix CDs today, the board is interesting to read and helpful when you're trying to figure out which songs would make the perfect mix for a friend, or even for yourself!  So thank you Mike for helping to make my wing look awesome!
Additionally, let's not forget that St. Patrick's Day is coming up!  My floor should expect a board about the history of Saint Patrick and why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  I've also started making new door decs with a St. Patrick's Day theme!  Pictures to come!!!