Last Tuesday I came across a group of guys playing poker in the lounge. Figuring they weren't really doing anything wrong, I didn't bother to check in on them.
My mistake.
It was later brought to my attention that these particular residents were not only playing poker, but chewing tobacco as well. How did I find this out? One of my residents came to inform me that they left their spit bottles in the lounge with tobacco juice in there. Now, UMaine isn't simply "smoke-free;" it's tobacco-free, which includes dipping.
The issue I have with it is not related to the tobacco-free initiative. I am having trouble understanding why these particular residents left their spit bottles lying around, especially in a study lounge that they don't usually utilize.
So what does an RA do in this situation? I'm thinking I'll start by making up posters to hang in the study lounges, explaining why chewing tobacco in public areas is not allowed. If the problem persists, I think we'll have to crack down harder on these dippers.